Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's Official...

The United States is in a depression. The source? Sushi Park—Long Island's fusion of the American all-you-can-eat-buffet and Sushi. I drove several of my students there the other night, and as I entered the restaurant with its endless lines of overweight Long Islanders stacking sushi on their plates, I saw a sign announcing the restaurant's "Depression Sale," a drop of $5.

I have no idea if we're in a depression, but I do wonder if it's easier for an outsider or an immigrant to announce a depression. For many Americans, a depression is replete with the morbid connotations of the 1930's (or Prozac). Perhaps they're just not afraid to call it like they see it—they charge you extra for left-overs that you throw out.


J.M. Harper said...

That's demoralizing. All I know is that this exchange rate is bleeding me dry.

David said...

Yes—it's too bad (for many reasons) that you weren't there during the Wiemar days. You could have lived like a King on that exchange rate.

J.M. Harper said...

It's comments like those that make me glad to know you.

David said...

Okay, the depression's over—Sushi Park has changed the name of the sign to read "Promotion sale."